The Meeting

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rhode Island Hospital Campus was our venue of choice on Tuesday. We spent the day going from building to building, doctor to doctor. Tori had a very full schedule.

Along the way we ran into many past co-workers, friends, caregivers and continued well-wishers. People – who have never forgotten the little girl with the big brown eyes. Their genuine concern and delight in seeing the now grown and incredible “you’ve come a long way baby” young woman in front of them, palpable and touching.

And then, there in front of us visible through the corridor windows was the tree. The blossoming tree. Or, as I prefer to call it , – my miracle tree. A tree, that in the early PICU days became a symbol of hope and renewal.

I began to explain to Tori her connection to the tree. Moments before my daughter seemed distracted by the constant traffic of the hospital halls and yet when I motioned to the window and spoke of the blossoming buds as an analogy of her recovery she was focused and alert.

In two weeks, on March 26th, we will return to the campus and to the tree. This time I am certain the buds, which seem so ready to welcome spring will have begun to bloom. And just like 10 years ago, with Easter around the corner and the spirit of the season in the air, we wait for, we long for, we work for and we pray for the renewal and rebirth.

When you come to the edge of the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness, faith is knowing one of two things will happen… there will be something solid to stand on, or you will learn to fly