Saying Goodbye

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This week we said goodbye to a young woman Tori has worked with for a year.  One more person who has come into her life made an impact and moved on.   We will miss her.  As I sat and thought about this change I started to cry – sob actually because it was reflective of so many who have come into our life, made an impact and to whom we have had to say goodbye.

Saying goodbye is not always a bad thing.  Saying goodbye to our saviors in the PICU meant stability.  Saying goodbye to our guardians on the 6th floor of Hasbro meant we were ready to rehab.   And while at Franciscans, our transitions from floor to floor and staff to staff were indicative of our journey closer to home. 

Once home, our team became staffed with different players.  Thanks to Sargents, we traded the inpatient world of therapy for the outpatient.  After 7 years with them and left to our own devices, we supplemented the conventional with the unconventional and even began adding Reiki, Reflexology, Music and Hippotherapy to the routine.   And with every change came a new group of dedicated individuals ready to embrace the challenge, challenge their knowledge and embrace the girl.

Where would we be without those who give of themselves so freely?  Yes, it is their chosen line of work.  It is their profession – their livelihood.  But we have been fortunate to experience those who do it with “life” and zest, a compassion that is rivaled only by their knowledge and skill.

Tori will lose a therapist and a friend.  Our loss will certainly be another fortunate someone’s gain.  After all, it is part of the circle of life if you would.  It is meant for this young woman to move on and grow and forge her way, make her path, create her own life and legacy.  Along the way there will be many Tori’s that she will touch and shape – much the same as those who have come before and will come after her.

And each and every one will play a part, have a hand, leave a mark on our path to recovery.

When you come to the edge of the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness, faith is knowing one of two things will happen… there will be something solid to stand on, or you will learn to fly