Altered State

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

One year ago this evening I wrote about anticipation as we settled into a hospital hotel room in New York City. It was Columbus Day 2013 and when I went to bed that evening it was the realization of a dream that had begun 8 years prior. The next morning we were off to capitalize on what amounted to dozens of phone calls, hundreds of emails and thousands of hours of research – culminating in a resounding yes and acceptance into a research study for altered states of consciousness. Those 4 days spent cocooned in the bosom of science did not disappoint for we emerged altered.  Altered, not visibly on the outside, but within where all real changes occur. And the catalyst for that change was knowledge. More knowledge was amassed in those 96 hours than in all the time prior. Alas there was no magic pill, no instant cure. What there was – was opportunity, for growth, for metamorphosis. Information, confirmation – which in turn gave us direction to spread our wings, expand and fly.

I closed my blog one year ago saying Carly Simon when writing about Anticipation said “We can never know about the days to come” – I said then, and I repeat now – and you’ll never know unless you get out there and try.

When you come to the edge of the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness, faith is knowing one of two things will happen… there will be something solid to stand on, or you will learn to fly